Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Pick your battles

A few weeks ago (yes, I'm a bit behind on the blogaschedule), I attended the American Medical Student Association Region X conference. AMSA is a forum for med student activism, and the conference was titled "Advocacy into Action: Taking responsibility for the future of health care." While being really impressed with the passion and spirit that everyone -- speakers, participants, and organizers -- showed, I walked away a bit disoriented.

My problem was how to choose. The issues at hand were all pressing, important, and easy to get caught up in, especially after hours of impassioned speeches from people who dedicated large pieces of their lives to their issues. Global health, health disparities, health care reform, reproductive health rights, issues of race, gender and sexuality in medicine. These and more were addressed, with a plea to "get involved" behind every speech and presentation.

So how do you decide how much time to dedicate to activism, when learning to be a doctor is already so taxing? How do you pick what the best use of your time is? By the number of people you may be able to help? The profundity of your impact? Or maybe it's about you: you pick the issues you feel closest to; you're drawn by what has touched you in the past.

I care about change on a systemic level -- the idea of being an advocate for women in the developing world is one of the reasons I'm in medical school. But lately I've been feeling that focusing my efforts on people thousands of miles away is irresponsible, and will tear my attention into pieces. So I made a decision to get involved in advocacy around universal health care in the U.S. It's as pressing an issue as any, and only by speaking up will any change ever happen. Look for more posts on this in the future.

Let's be clear that I still haven't come to a conclusion on this. I still don't know how starting an activist career will affect my performance as a student, or overall sanity. And I don't want to ever stop pursuing international women's health issues. But getting involved in issues closer to home makes me feel like I'm serving my future patients, and taking responsibility for mistakes my own government has made, at the expense of its people. And it's exciting: we're planning a lobby day to take place next month. If you're a California voter who believes in expanding health care access, come join me.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The grass is always greener

In recent conversations with friends, I've told them how trapped I sometimes feel as a student.

I told one working friend that I need more balance in my life, that it seems that all I do is study; she wrote back and told me how she'd been wishing that she could just sit all day in coffeeshops and concentrate on learning. I told a friend in Mozambique how much I wished I were there. She quickly wrote back with a list of reasons she wishes she were here.

Why is it so hard for us to be happy?

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Why Medicine Doesn't Make Sense, #1

How can someone design a drug without knowing how it works?

I keep running across descriptions of drugs that say "mechanism of action unknown". How does this happen? As I get deeper and deeper into the study of medicine, I am more and more amazed by how much what is practiced is a crapshoot.

Maybe medicine is more an art than a science.

Friday, October 19, 2007

On Death and Understanding

A few days ago, I found myself having a very hard time understanding how an infection can actually kill a person.

I asked this question, specifically about pneumonia, as my professor and I walked out of class. Part of the difficulty, I think, is that it's not a simple event. Intuitively, a massive invasion of foreign organisms doesn't seem like it can be a good thing. But to actually outline the steps until death -- pathophysiology, if you'd like to put a name to it -- is much more difficult. Which organs are most affected? What are the proximal causes that actually make these organs fail?

The professor explained that the inflammatory exudate floods the alveoli to such an extent that breathing becomes labored. But, I insisted, can't you just aspirate out the fluid? If we know what's happening to a person's lungs, can't we just fix it?

The answer, of course, is that it's not that easy, antibiotics aside (and antibiotic resistance is a whole other story). Once the inflammation response is at full strength, the influx of cells, cellular debris, and protein into the lungs results in a complete loss of lung architecture such that the normally air-filled lungs actually take on the consistency of the liver.

I still couldn't wrap my head around it. And it will probably be awhile before I do. Because really, it's not just an intellectual difficulty in understanding the process; it's also a psychological difficulty in really comprehending how a body that functions, sustains a living individual, can become one that is lifeless. Humans know what death is from a young age, and have some exposure to it; but really understanding how a person dies is something that comes much later, and much harder. This, I guess, is where the man is who loses a loved one and says, "one minute she was with me, and the next, she was gone."

I know I'll need to wrestle with it some more. And I probably won't really understand it until I have firsthand experience witnessing the end of a life. And maybe not even then.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Thrilling thought of the week: I love Mondays

You know you've found the right graduate program when you look forward to Mondays.

I love Mondays because those are the days when we're presented with a new case to read through and drive our learning (see a previous post for more on PBL). Mid-week, when we're plowing through test results, synthesizing information from biochemistry and physiology and clinical manifestations, and sifting through sources that contradict each other, things aren't as much fun.

But Mondays, the sky's the limit. Everything that seems like it might fit -- a disease read about long ago, something someone's cousin once had, anything that sounds mysterious and interesting -- makes it up on the white board. Our new patient has abdominal cramps? Well maybe it's appendicitis. Maybe an STI. We should take her sexual history. How about abuse? Let's figure out her social situation. An exotic infectious disease? Let's get her travel history. Something related to a chronic condition -- does she have diabetes? Let's examine her, and maybe give her a pregnancy test

It's an exercise in medicine, but in the part of medicine that requires lateral thinking. Really, it's an exercise in stretching your mind to the limits of logic, and sometimes past that, just to make sure nothing's missed. With eight people in the room, ideas fly like ping-pong balls. The excitement rises as we exhaust all the possibilities we can think of and flip the page for more clues on our patient's problem. Eventually, most of our list will be crossed out as we learn more about the problem and its characteristics. But for a few minutes on Monday, anything is possible.

Friday, October 5, 2007

AMSA needs to work on its grammar

I just sent an email to my congresswoman thanking her for voting yes on SCHIP and continuing support for the bill as it goes back to congress after Bush's veto. And of course you should do the same because this bill will expand coverage to children who otherwise would be uninsured, helping more people in this country achieve a higher standard of health. To me, it's that simple; if you feel differently, please do tell.

But for heaven's sake, don't cut-and-paste what AMSA has written as a letter template:
"As a physician-in-training, your support of the SCHIP reauthorization bill was greatly appreciated...."

What? That means that "your support" is a physician-in-training! People, this is basic stuff. Maybe you should lay off the physiology, or even the health advocacy, for a bit and review English grammar. Maybe it doesn't really matter. But it seems to me that if you want your voice heard, you should at least make sure you're speaking correctly.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Blog of Events That Occurred During JMP Late Night Lit Review

I can't take credit for this....


11:09 – David has Coca-Cola poisoning. Will has decided to watch family guy and eat Top Dawg. Andie seems to be progressing nicely now that she has a picture of Barry Bonds in front of her. I am very . . . very . . . . upset about this lit review.

11:10 – David is laughing at me. Looks like I’ll be the only one to be contributing to this blog.

11:24 – I saw David put his head in his hands.

11:25 – Will is living in a state of ignorant bliss, still watching Family Guy without an inkling of consequences.

11:26 – David hit his funny bone – it wasn’t very funny. Group seems to be turning on Andie – she has too many resources.

11:28 – David: “I have no idea how to do this. What am I doing.” Will tells Matt that he is spending more time on the blog than on the lit review.

11:41 – Matt considers buying another cup of coffee for the second time in a half hour.

11:48 – Guy Micco shows up and said, “This is sick.” He asks us what we are doing here. We ask him the same. e gives us figs.

11:49 – Discussion of the movie “The Ring.”

11:54 – Discussion of getting McDonald’s breakfast in a few hours. Good discussion.
12:11 – Will is asleep on the couch. Will thinks he’s better than us – he is wrong.

12:20 – Will has reverted to referring to himself in the third person like Bob Dole.

12:33 – Andie denies just hitting her funny bone.

12:34 – Realizations all around about how hepatitis, a disease of the liver, is aptly prefaced with the prefix “hepat”.

12:46 – Fantasies about large fans being installed in the Fun Room commence.

1:05 – Will is missing.

1:11 – Will is still missing. David states time, followed by Matt making a rule that there is no more mentioning of time.

1:14 – Will is back.

1:55 – Group decides to address the problem of the Fun Room having a hell-like temperature by putting the fan in front of the open refrigerator temporarily.

1:56 – David is hungry, and proceeds to have moral dilemma over whether or not to steal yogurt from the Fun Room fridge. He ends up taking it.

1:59 – Discussion of erections – strangely not awkward.

2:37 – Jason is discussed as character in a martial arts movie – he would be a wise and uniting influence.

2:39 – We discuss the highlights of JMPers zoning out; focus on Nicole.

3:06 – Matt loses it – lashes out at Will.

3:07 – Will loses it – barricades himself with pieces of paper.

3:08 – Nicole loses it – yells “I can’t take it!” bangs her hands on the table, and then makes an odd screeching noise.

3:25 – Group discovers levers on left side of chair – great fun!

3:36 – Another unjustified lashing against Will. Matt feels bad, but will not tell Will. Will retaliates by threatening to shave half of Matt’s head.

4:38 – Discussion topic: is the word “sequalae” in vogue? If so, why?

4:51 – Nicole is taking a nap on the couch.

4:59 – David is done.

5:09 – Will is taking a nap on the couch.

5:28 – Will is up.

5:52 – Matt leaves.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Coffee Shop Sociology

I'm extremely unfocused when I'm at home. Too many distractions are too tempting: a kitchen full of food, an internet connection to play around on, a room that always needs straightening. So I often pick up and go to a coffee shop, where $1.50 for a small coffee also buys me a few hours of relatively focused study time.

And usually at some point during the coffee shop outing, I'll have to make a bathroom run. Who wants to pack up all those papers, books, pencils, and sometimes computer, only to lay them all back out again a couple minutes later (and feel guilty about sitting down without having bought anything new)? Not me. So I usually turn to the person next to me and ask, "Will you watch my stuff for a minute?" And every once in awhile, the same will be asked of me; I'll always comply.

So I got to musing: this is a weird phenomenon. I don't know the person sitting next to me any more than I know the prospective thief of my stuff. Why would I trust him or her with my stuff? I guess there's the factor of sameness -- because that person is a coffee shop-goer just like me, I feel a kinship with him/her. But probably not trust. Moreover, why do people agree to watch others' stuff, and comply while those people are away from their seats? They can't have built a friendship while sitting nearby sufficient to really care if that person's stuff is stolen or not. The best I can come up with is that people avoid conflict whenever possible. They don't want to make a scene out of refusing to watch someone's things for just a few minutes, nor do they want to deal with the resulting scene if a person returns to find his/her stuff missing. Hm.

I tried googling "watch my stuff", really the only permutation of this request, and got this video made god-knows-why by some Columbia business students. It's not really that funny, but it is appropriate.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Bike accident, one week later

Most of the injuries are healing just fine, and I'm back on my bike, very cautiously this time around. One interesting aspect, though, is that I now have two red bruises on my arm that just appeared there yesterday. As in, eight days after the accident. And I don't even think there was direct impact to the site where one of these has shown up. Is this weird? Anyone out there have experience with delayed bruising? According to my classmates, I either have leukemia or hemophilia. Thanks, guys.

What situations like this make me realize, though, is how happy I am to be in a problem-based learning curriculum. It's not just that I have two funky bruises on my arm; it's "huh, I have two funky bruises on my arm. I wonder if I can find more information on that which could tell me how weird that really is." It's a sometimes tortuous process that means you're always looking for more information, but it has the excitement of a detective chase. I'll try to post more on PBL in the future, which probably won't be hard, as it dominates my life these days.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Doctor, heal thyself

I'm really going to kick myself for taking that title so early in the blog's life; I'm sure I'll need it later.

But it is appropriate here. The story goes:

Yesterday was our first day of preceptorships, a sort of guided clinical rotation series, in which we're paired with real live physicians who give us an introduction to patient interviews and exams. We know nothing. We're all nervous. I manage to run a little late as I leave the house and get on my bike, speeding down streets I don't know so well.

At an intersection, with typical "biker's arrogance" (I just made that up, but you know what I mean, don't you?), I edge under a red light -- and am hit from the side by a car in the far right turning lane, who hadn't seen me coming and is taking off as the light turns green. My bike and I are knocked down, and I land on my side, my helmet the last thing to hit the pavement.

And, I'm fine. I'm a bit scraped up, and am paying $90 for a new back wheel and for fixing the front inner tube, but mostly I'm thankful that I got off so easy. I even made it to the preceptorship in time for a really fascinating morning. It could easily have been much worse: according to the Harborview Injury Prevention and Research Center at the University of Washington, over 500,000 people in the U.S. end up the ER every year because of bicycle accidents. The lesson here for doctors, doctors-in-training, and everyone else: nothing is so important that you should speed through a red light. Have some perspective, and think about your health and safety.

And, tonight is the first night of Rosh Hashana. Happy New Year, and remember to wear a helmet.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Anatomy backblog #2

There's always something funny about struggling through a new situation. It's the teetering on the edge of panic that, if you have enough perspective, can be hilarious. This feeling is magnified if you're a first-year medical student trying to get a grasp on your first experience with a human body.

Don't get me wrong -- there are plenty of sobering, reflective moments too, when you're working with cadavers. But there's a certain humor in the oh-my-god-why-did-they-let-me-do-this-when-clearly-I'm-a-bumbling-idiot feeling of being handed the responsibility of cutting into the body of what was once a living, breathing, human being.

"Stay calm," I would try to tell myself, scissors in hand, not sure whether to laugh or burst into tears, but pretty sure neither of those would be useful, "she's already dead. There really isn't much you can do now to change that." It probably helped a little. But I still managed to cut off a few arteries that should have been kept on, create a knotted mess of the small intestines, and put the liver in backwards in front of my instructor. Not my crowning achievement.

Or, during a pre-exam study session, when we were all a little more on edge than usual. We were grouped around the thigh, trying to find the sartorius muscle, which, because the deep dissection was already done, had been cut and pulled back to who-knew-where. We picked up candidate muscles: "hm. No -- rectus femoris." One of my classmates picked up a testicle. Looked at it for a second, hopefully. A voice from behind her: "Uh, that is not sartorius."

We eventually found it, I think. And we did eventually get our bearings on the cadavers, at least enough to lessen the panic a little.

I don't mean to be callous, here. All of us were entirely grateful to be given the opportunity to explore on our own the complex, wondrous bodies we worked with in anatomy lab. Excitement, anxiety, fear, humor: all part of the experience.

Anatomy backblog #1

We took anatomy over the summer, in a very sink-or-swim start to med school. Fine, they threw us a lot of life jackets. But the water was still cold. Anyway, here are some posts from the summer.

Anatomy is all about mnemonics. There’s so much to remember that without them, you’re lost in a sea of nerves and muscles. A few are actually found in the textbooks: SCALP, for the layers of the (yes) scalp, Randy Travis Drinks Cold Beer, for the brachial plexus, or Some Lovers Try Positions That They Can’t Handle for the names of the carpals. These are generally useful, and sometimes surprisingly dirty. I guess every mnemonic needs something to make it memorable.

Then there are the mnemonics that we make up ourselves. Some have already taken their places in history among my classmates. For the pronunciation of the acetabulum, many of us – probably due to those agonizing years of studying chemistry – wanted to pronounce it with an accent on the second syllable, when really the accent goes on the third. How to remember this? Said one of my classmates: “I just remember that Tab tastes like ass.” Or, how to remember that the visceral layer is always deep to the parietal layer? Another classmate: “I think about VIPs: they’re never on the outside. They’re always on the inside, coming out. But never on the outside trying to get in.” Or, to remember that the Great Vein and the Left Anterior Descending artery of the heart run together? In a Scottish accent: “The Great LAD.”

Often, though, mnemonics take on a personal slant. They work for whoever made them up, because they fit within the organizational wiring of that person’s mind. I’ve had classmates try to describe to me their own brilliant mnemonics, in explanations that are more complicated than the anatomy itself. No wonder that each of our presentations usually includes a tip on how to remember things – if it works for you. We all learn differently, and each person knows his or her mind best. Well enough to know if he’s looking at lovers or just lunates.

Sunday, September 2, 2007

Med School Blog, take I

I threatened to create a med school blog awhile back, but a few things kept me back. There were finals, yes, but mostly it was lack of the perfect blog title. Finally, I found one. The home of my electronic ramblings will heretofore be named for the late Dr. Louis Lasagna, author of the revision of the Hippocratic Oath that I am to take this Friday. The oath is full of compassion and wisdom -- characteristics that any medical student must aspire to.

Well, it's either that or the delicious, layered Italian pasta dish of the same name. Take your pick.